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Monday, August 1, 2011

Salam Ramadhan 2011

Ramadhan tiba lagi membawa pelbagai harapan untuk perubahan, semuga puasa kali ini diberkati dan diterima olehNya. Setiap mukmin yang mengerjakan puasa perlu mematuhi beberapa peraturan dan adab yang boleh menyempurnakan ibadah tersebut. Antara adab-adab terpenting ialah :

Menjaga lidah kita daripada berdusta, mengumpat dan mencampuri urusan orang lain yang tiada kena-mengena dengan kita.
Menjaga mata dan telinga daripada melihat dan mendengar perkara yang dilarang oleh syarak dan yang sia-sia.
Mengawal perut daripada merasai makanan dan minuman yang haram atau yang mengandungi unsur syubhat terutama ketika berbuka dan berusaha sedaya mungkin untuk menghasilkan pemakanan yang halal lagi bersih.
Berusaha menjaga kesemua pancaindera dan anggota tubuh badan daripada mendekati atau melakukan maksiat dan perkara yang sia-sia.
Jangan membanyakkan tidur pada siang harinya dan makan pada malamnya, bahkan besederhanalah pada kedua-duanya bagi menyelami kejerihan lapar dan dahaga.
Jauhkan diri daripada mengikut dorongan nafsu ketika berbuka dengan beraneka jenis makanan yang lazat-lazat. Sebaik-baiknya adat makannya sama sahaja pada bulan puasa dan bulan-bulan yang lain. Pengemblengan diri dalam mengurangkan tuntutan jasmani dan keinginan perasaan memberikan kesan yang positif terhadap kecerahan hati nurani yang amat dituntut terutama pada bulan Ramadhan.
Tidak menyibukkan diri dengan urusan duniawi pada bulan Ramadhan, bahkan mengambil kesempatan bagi beribadat kepada Allah dan mengingati-Nya sebaik mungkin. Justeru, dia tidak melakukan perkara duniawi melainkan sekadar keperluan hariannya atau kepada mereka yang berada di bawah tanggungannya. demikian yang selayaknya dilakukan pada bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini sama seperti pada hari Jumaat yang sepatutnya dikhususkan bagi amalan akhirat.
Mempraktikkan amalan sunnah seperti segera berbuka apabila masuk waktunya, berbuka dengan buah tamar (kurma) dan jika ia tiada memadailah dengan segelas air serta melambatkan makan sahur.
Menyediakan makanan berbuka kepada orang yang berpuasa sekalipun dengan beberapa biji tamar atau segelas air. Sabda baginda s.a.w " Sesiapa yang menyediakna makanan berbuka bagi orang yang berpuasa baginya ganjaran seumpama pahala orang yang berpuasa tanpa mengurangi sedikitpun pahalanya (orang yang berpuasa). (Riwayat al-Baihaqi dan Ibnu Khuzaimah).
Memenuhi malamnya dengan amalan sunat seperti solat tarawih, witir dan sebagainya. Adalah dinasihatkan kepada para imam supaya tidak mempercepatkan solat tarawihnya seperti mana amalan kebiasaan di masjid dan surau.
Antara kelebihan mengerjakan tarawih di malam hari pada bulan Ramadhan ialah :

Malam :
Dosanya keluar seperti ia baru di lahirkan ibunya.
Dosanya di ampuni, begitu pula dosa kedua ibu bapanya jika keduanya itu orang mukmin.
Di panggil oleh malaikat dari bawah Arasy dengan seruan: “Mulailah kamu beramal sebab Allah telah mengampuni dosamu yang telah lalu”.
Di beri pahala yang sama, dan pahala orang-orang yang membaca Kitab Taurat, Injil, Zabur dan Al-Quran.
Di beri pahala seperti orang yang melakukan sembahyang di Masjidil Haram di Makkah, Masjid An-Nabawi di Madinah dan Masjid Al-Aqsa di Palestin.
Di beri pahala seperti pahala malaikat yang tawaf di Baitul Ma’mur, batu-batu serta pasir turut sama memohonkan ampun baginya.
Seperti orang yang hidup pada zaman Nabi Musa dan membantunya hingga dapat mengalahkan Fir’aun dan Haman.
Di berikan oleh Allah segala apa yang pernah di berikan kepada Nabi Ibrahim ‘alaihisalam
Seperti pahala beribadah kepada Allah yang di lakukan oleh Nabi Muhammad S.A.W
Di kurniakan oleh Allah kebaikan dunia dan akhirat
Keluar dari dunia seperti pada hari dilahirkan dari kandungan ibu bersih daripada segala dosa
Datang di hari kiamat dengan keadaan mukanya bercahaya dan bersinar bagaikan malam bulan purnama.
Datang di hari kiamat dengan keadaan aman dari segala kejahatan.
Disaksikan oleh para malaikat, kalau dia telah melaksanakan solat tarawih maka pada hari kiamat ia akan di bebaskan oleh Allah dari segala mudarat.
Di minta ampun oleh para malaikat, oleh malaikat yang memikul Arasy dan Kerusi.
Di bebaskan dari api neraka dan dapat masuk syurga.
Di beri pahala seperti pahala para Nabi.
Di seru oleh para malaikat, “Wahai hamba Allah, bahawasanya Allah telah redha kepadamu dan kepada orang tua kamu”.
Di angkat darjatnya ke dalam syurga firdaus.
Di beri pahala para syuhada dan salihin.
Di bina rumahnya dari nur di dalam syurga.
Kelak di hari kiamat ia akan datang dengan aman dari segala kesusahan dan dugaan.
Di bangunkan sebuah kota untuknya di syurga
Di beri pahala yang berupakan dua puluh empat permohonan di kabulkan.
Di hapuskan dari seksaan kubur.
Pahalanya diangkat selama empat puluh tahun.
Dalam melintasi sirat (jambatan) pada hari kiamat kelak, dia akan dapat melintasi dengan laju bagaikan kilat menyambar.
Allah mengangkat dengan seribu darjat di syurga.
Diberi pahala seribu haji yang mabrur.
Di panggil dan di persilakan oleh Allah, wahai hambaku, makanlah buah-buahan syurga dan mandilah dengan air salsabil (air syurga yang sedap di minum) serta minumlah dari telaga kausar. Akulah Tuhanmu dan engkau hambaku...
Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa ..

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

~~The Oldies ~~~

***BeLek aLbum jUmpa GmBr The oLd dAys*****

Gambar kat atas ialah arWah Ayah saya deNgan Arwah Kakak saya pAdA taHuN 1980an lagi
so mAsa nIe mmg saya X uJud lagi...
mIzz them soo mUch....

Ini adaLah mat sAleh yG perNah Tggal kt rUmah saya Suatu Ketika duLU....
dIe dIBawah pRogram aNak AngKat....
mAsE NiE pUn sAya xDe lAgI...

Nie gMbr mY mOm dEnGan ArWah kAkaK sAyA yG sAkit dEngan pEnyakit mIsteri
sEronOk jEr mAse nIe....

sHe's cRying...

nIe pLak gMbr aBang2 sya yG rMai 2...huhuu
mSing2 cEkEding jek, huh sKrang sUme dAs jAdik bApak oWang....

nIe gMbR BuFday aRwah kAkak mAse dIe kEcik2 dUlu....
mErIah tAu....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Favourite Korean Drama~~Baby-faced Beauty

Recently I've been craving to watch Baby-faced Beauty a Korean Drama, I really can't wait to watch the ending.
"Baby-faced Beauty" is a romantic-comedy centered around a 34-year-old woman with a babyface as she works to become a fashion designer and overcomes obstacles like having only having a high school diploma and a bad credit history.
Choi Jin-Wook (Daniel Choi) is the heir of the famous Jokbal restaurant with millions of dollars in annual revenue. But, Choi Jin-Wook goes against his father and leaves his parents' house. Choi Jin-Wook starts to work at another company to accomplish his dream. Against his will, Choi Jin-Wook starts work in the fashion department. With his sweet character he survives there and meets Lee So-Young Lee So-Young (Jang Na-Ra) ...
link from :

It has simple story line that shows around Lee So Young hardship life, she had to lie about herself to keep her job as junior designer and fulfill her dream, although it is not intentionally. This kind of story remind me when I was in Primary School. I was in class 6 that was when I'm 12 years old, I when to this Tuition class near my sister house with my nephew who is a year younger than me. I when into the exact same class as my nephew for 2 years to accompany him in the class, so that means I have to pretend that I am a year younger (although I never declare my real age). At the beginning there aren't any problem for me to keep pretend to be in that class, I had mingle easily with everyone in the class, I even had few good friends there and usually been praise by teacher because I am fast learner (because I'm a year older). Each recess, we will play around outside our Tuition class (There are many classes here and divided according to various age). The class is actually a bungalow and the surrounding area also full of houses, there are few huge tree near the bungalow. The tree usually blooms with yellow flower that make the area so peaceful. I love my Tuition class especially when Mr.Leon taught us, he taught Mathematics. He always asked us to memorize multiplication tables 1 until 12. He would usually said that he is not David Copperfield that can do magic to help us memorize, that was when I knew David Copperfield, and he was very famous at that time. One of my best friend there is Avrij (don't remember to spell her name already) used to like Teakwando, she sometimes would practice her skills with me. Then came a boy from my school, he is a year younger and I recognize him because he was a school prefect. He came and sits in the exact class as mine, because her cousin also sits in the same class and also one of my friend. My cover was almost blown after the boy ask me where I was schooling, I told that I'm schooling at the same school but he could not recognize me. I'm a bit relief that the boy had not recognized me, I would avoid if I ever met him at school. Some of the kids in my age from my school also learned at the Tuition place. Although I felt that I haven't done anything wrong, but still I felt guilty too. I never told my Tuition friend my age really was, and I really couldn't, its quite hard for me to explain anyway. But I really cherish all the memory that I gained from the past. I wonder where are they now and how are they doing now, really miss my friend a lot.Looking at the Drama make me realize how sometimes we can't control anything that happens to us, what you should do is face the challenges with bold, confidence and true heart.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Our crazy day wif school uniform...;)

Last few weeks, my friend and I were making plan to celebrate my friend Hainim last time as a bachelor, next week she'll be getting married to a lucky guy name Firdaus. She and Qistin were making plan, I and Peyuz just follow the plan accordingly, its kinda bachelor party for us. At the beginning I personally have no idea whats the plan really is. The 'crazy time' they called happened on 3 days, but I only joined them on the second day. On the second day, we need to wear our old school uniform and take picture at special venue. I don't believe what had gone to my friend head, and at first I think I won't do it because I don't have any uniform. But at last I let my creativity runs wild, I found an idea, find my cloth that seem like a school uniform, at last we gathered for the last time wearing and pretend to be a school kids once again. Look like our show are pretty!!!       

Monday, May 23, 2011

Mysterious May

Usually people would be excited having celebrated their birthday, but I find myself quite a downer when reach my birthday. For me its just a date to remember because i'm born on that day, and I don't celebrate my birthday. Around my birthday there are plenty of occasion that people around the world celebrate, there are Mother's day, Labour day, Wesak day (for Buddish), Teacher's day and so on. This is a month full of celebration and happy day, but there are also other date in my diary that brings bad memories that I would never forget. In 5th May a day that my father's died 9 years ago, in 27 May 2005 a few of my friends died in car crash. To add to my unhappiness on my birthday 15 of May is also a Nakba Day. Its won't cheer you up when its call a disaster day when millions had died at that day to defend for their right. Here are some of the description of Nakba Day. But it doesn't mean that I hate my birthday, just the feeling of celebrating it aren't that enthusiastic, but I do celebrate others birthday. For me its important to remember others birthday especially people that is close to you like your family and friend, because it show that you love and respect them and always remember them. To all you out there that celebrate your birthday in May "Happy Birthday and god bless you".

Nakba day according to wikipedia meaning "day of the catastrophe" is an annual day of commemoration for the Palestinian people of the displacement that accompanied the creation of Israel in 1948.[1] It is generally commemorated on May 15, the day after the Gregorian calendardate for Israeli independence day (Yom Ha'atzmaut). During the 1948 Palestine War, an estimated 700,000 Palestinians were expelled or fled, and hundreds of Palestinian villages were depopulated and destroyed.[2][3] The vast majority of Palestinian refugees, both those outside the 1949 armistice lines at the war's conclusion and those internally displaced, were barred by the newly declared state of Israel from returning to their homes or reclaiming their property.[2][3]

These refugees and their descendants number several million people today, divided between Jordan (2 million), Lebanon (427,057), Syria (477,700), the West Bank (788,108) and the Gaza Strip (1.1 million), with at least another quarter of a million internally displaced Palestinians in Israel.[4] The displacement, dispossession and dispersal of the Palestinian people is known to them as al-Nakba, meaning "the catastrophe," or "the disaster."[5][6][7]
Prior to its adoption by the Palestinian nationalist movement, the "Year of the Catastrophe" among Arabs referred to 1920, when European colonial powers partitioned the Ottoman Empire into a series of separate states along lines of their own choosing.[8] The term was first used to reference the events of 1948 in the summer of that same year by the Syrian writer Constantine Zureiq in his work Ma'na al-Nakba ("The Meaning of the Nakba"; published in English in 1956).[9]
Initially, use of the term Nakba among Palestinians was not universal. For example, many years after 1948, Palestinian refugees in Lebanon avoided and even actively resisted using the term, because it lent permanency to a situation they viewed as temporary, and they often insisted on being called "returnees."[10] In the 1950s and 1960s, terms they used to describe the events of 1948 were more eupheumistic and included al-ightisab ("the rape"), al-ahdath ("the events"), al-hijra ("the exodus"), and lamma sharna wa tla'na ("when we blackened our faces and left").[10] Nakba narratives were avoided by the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in Lebanon in the 1970s, in favor of a narrative of revolution and renewal.[10] Interest in the Nakba by organizations representing refugees in Lebanon surged in the 1990s due to the perception that the refugees' right of return might be negotiated away in exchange for Palestinian statehood, and the desire was to send a clear message to the international community that this right was non-negotiable.[10]
Though the Nakba refers to the events of 1948, their continued salience due to the irresolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has prompted Palestinians like Mahmoud Darwish to describe the Nakba as, "an extended present that promises to continue in the future."[7]

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Training for AutoCad 2011 Intermediate

Last week I went to UTM Kuala Lumpur for AutoCad training under UTM Space. I enjoyed the course very much couse I learned so much from the course and most important that all the participant are cool including the facilitator. Through three days training we blend easily and get to know each other.
I've learned AutoCad before when I studied at politeknik before, but its been too long now that I cant remember to operate it anymore and the software evolve a lot through time. I found it become much easier rather than what I learned before. But as always you need to setting it first, create layers, dimension option and extra. What I love the most is creating Isometric view, here you can create isometric product easily, there are front, left and right plane, you can change the plane by kick in F5. What I don't like is 3D creation, it is in my opinion the hardest one. I get headache when try to do the exercise, thanks to Mrs.Norul, she help me to understand and find the easy way to create 3D. I don't know whether I could come again to UTM, but I miss the training a lot. Thank you to the good food too.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Why I choose Engineering?....ummm

Well maybe it starts from my childhood, where I usually play with electrical things in my house. I used to set up my living room as a cockpit or monitor room, pretend to do something about it but I ended up ruined it. I enjoyed making experiment, eventually I would get trouble after that. Once I tried to burn match with matches to see whether it burn or not, but I thought wrong. It exploded and make front part of my hair burn, but the rest of my skin was just fine. Then I had been scolded by my mother. My family don't quite happy went I playing with household appliances because I ended up made a mess or broke something. Anyway, when people don't watch me broke something, I would try to fix it as possible as I can,so I won't be scolded again. Other than that I love to climb, there are stairways fence in my house that I usually climbed, thank god its not that high.
I remember that I love to play with a computer for kids that can talked, there are quiz, hangman, spelling and others. I love it all especially when it shows visual help, its looked funny though. I seldom play with girl, if I do, I certainly will be bullied by them. Playing with girls are quite different, they tend to compete and want to win. I would given up or ended up sulking. They like to play cooks, skipping and stuff. But I do got good friend at that time, one is a girl next door and one is a boy not far from my house. I found that they are nice and different from the other kids that like to bully. But apart from them I always hang up with two of my nephew, we grew up together, play together and eat together. Although I'm older but they had bigger build than mine. With them I play soccer, bicycle, badminton, etc. No wonder that I looks more like a tomboy back then, with pants and over size shirt. Thank god I had better fashion sense this day...peace


Thursday, March 17, 2011

From the real story of "1liter of tears"

This dorama is about a girl who was diagnosed with a disease called “Spinocerebellar Degeneration” when she was 15 years old, and was able to continue her life until her death at the age of 25 years old.
The plot is based on the true story of a Japanese girl named Kito Aya, who had the same disease. She kept writing in her diary to remember her experiences until she could no longer hold a pen. Aya simply wished to live until the end of her life, and the purpose of writing in the diary was to remind herself to not give up. She shed tears many times, at the same time encompassed by the rich love and support from her family, friends, and boyfriend. Her diary “1 Litre of Tears” was published after her death, because of its inspiring and courageous message of
“Just being alive is such a lovely and wonderful thing.”
Aya Kito true story reminds me of a sister of mine. A story that bring tears to me as I am hardly cried so easily. This story has some connection to my childhood past, where my decease sister had some kind of illness, maybe quite the same as Aya san. Unlike Aya she usually had various episode of her collapse some kind of convulsions.  We had to be extra vigilance when she standing or in bathroom because when she had her episode she fall hard. Her head usually received so many concussion because of the fall, and it usually bleeds. The scene make me terrified to watch. Her tooth would bite her lips and tongue so its bleeds, we had to hold her mouth with cloth so it won't bite. I would help my mother to wash her blood although I feel a bit unease of it. Once she had collapse in a bathroom and her head hits hard on the floor. It was a first time we had to send her to hospital. She saved and the doctor want to keep her for a little longer for more researched on her illness, but the family strongly insist to take her home what so ever. She had this disease since she was small and its keep worsen when she was 12 years old. Back at school she was a good friend, intelligent, pretty and love to sing, but everything was gone after her disease had worsen. Some of her friend tried to contact her, but my family didn't allow them because she had no longer remember them, she had to quit from school. She had no longer remember people, unable to speak rationally, she can be very silence and sometimes she can be delirium, where she seems in a different world, she would talk to herself and walk unnecessarily. Her condition continue to be like this for many years until a few years before her death she became gradually very thin, very white, and very sick, where she just laying on bed. My family had done many things to cure her especially in traditional method but it never worked. After a years my father had past away, she then followed the same path when she in her 30's. No one can explain what illness that she suffered, but I'am sure that she's in peace in heaven. Aya's story is really inspiring especially to others that have similar situation. The burden also felt to the family of the patient, but Aya never given up hopes to live and dreams.One similar thing is when Aya smile she showed her broken front teeth, my sister had the same broken teeth in front, its happened after she falls and made her teeth broken like that. The story touched me so much where it is very similar to my story. Aya is very fortunate because her voice can reach the world. I've learned so much through every experience and it keeps me strong too.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Omedeto kudasai to Dato' Lee Chong Wei

Congratulation to Chong Wei for his glory winning against Lin Dan, and congrats to Malaysia too and his coach Rashid Sidek. I'm happy that finally Chong Wei won against Lin Dan. But Lin Dan please don't cry, you still cute. In my opinion the match is more personally than nationally. Its a battle between two great man. Actually they are good friend outside the match. Lin Dan failed to gain his title for 5th times and instead Chong Wei get his second winning in All England man single. Luv both Chong Wei and Lin Dan.



Ganbate' Dato' Lee Chong Wei

Ganbate Dato' Lee Chong Wei, hope you will win the All England 2011 for single man in badminton against Lin Dan tonight. Although I found that Lin Dan is cute, but I will always hope for Malaysia to win this time. I wonder why on earth Dato' Lee can't win agaist Lin Dan although he can win other players. I think its a matter of his mentality, whether he feel confident or not. For physical aspect I think Chong Wei can beat Lin Dan for good. He has the stamina and speed also very he has flexible movement that Lin Dan don't have. Lin Dan in other hand, is good playing with net and usually give him an added advantage....
Plez, plez help Chong Wei win, I don't want to be frustrated anymore, ganbatte kudasai...;) and now I want to enjoy the match, oyasumi nasai..(p.s: Chong Wei still no1 and Lin Dan is very cute)

Modern city collapse

What had happened in Japan last Friday is very tragic, imagine such a modern country like Japan immobilize by a giant tsunami. Nature is our biggest fear nowadays, it might struck anytime and anywhere whether you've got such a high technology equipment or not. Anyway, Japan had rises after the disaster, its like a sun has risen once more. People that survive the disaster will be even braver, because they had long been taught how to handled such disaster. How can we handled it if we are in their place? I hope that it will not had happened. Their economic sector not only effected the nation but the world economic too. Besides huge lost in oil refinery, and nuclear plant melt down. I hope it won't never be like Chernobyl incident, where the worst nuclear incident ever happened in human history. Enough with the tsunami disaster, people are now struggling to find food, clean water    and place to stay in because of most of the houses had wash away. What had left is thousand of debris. Now help has come from all around the world, hope there are enough relief for the time being. I hope that I am among the rescuer.
The tragedy had remind me of Banda Aceh and other countries that had involved with tsunami disaster in 2004. The impact of earth quake can be felt near us, it can be felt in such long distance. We had wonder how can they survive this tragedy, and they did. Again all the condolences to the victim in the disaster, and for the survivor hope you all will be strong, I hope that I can contribute something to help them....maybe prayers will help too

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tsunami disaster

Yesterday, we've been struck by a shocking news from japan. A tremendous giant wave of tsunami hit northen east of japan, like sendai n miyagi after very strong 8.9 ricter earth quake struck,most of japan such tokyo recieved the shock...the victim might rises to more than 1000 people, all the condolences to the victim n relatives in and friend had planned to travel to japan at the end of this year, but after heard the news we might cancel it...maybe someday i'll be visiting japan, I love the culture and the japanese strong will to success, I am amazed of how calm and brave the people in japan had shown us during the disaster, imaging that we are in that situasion, I think that I might have cried out of all of japan citizen, its ok, daijobun....may Allah bless you all

Monday, March 7, 2011

when I was a kid...(cont)

                                                                                           Rainy days bring peace to me, especially when my mother cooked yam, or cassava eaten with shredded coconut and sugar. It is best having it while hot during rainy day with the rest of our family. Looking for rainbow after the rain is also wonderful. I always happy if a rainbow appear after the rain, and count every color formation to make sure its complete. I would always wait until its disappear gradually.
At that time, my family usually go to beaches,we had fun together and usually would do picnic too. I think the most of my childhood moment is playing at the beaches or river or sunway lagoon. I often went to sunway lagoon with my family, and it was really crazy. I think that I've travel most of the time rather than studying, I thought. But now things have change, its hardly to get swim at the beaches or any where. I'm a bit old to do that anymore, children nowadays not having fun just as we are before. They just staying indoors playing games and internet.In my opinion, there would be not much of memories if just stay at home playing internet only. I think that people are less connected to the nature day by day, I really miss all the things that happened at that time.
Time won't come back to us, just the memory that will be at your heart, appreciate what left with you, every moment that you live is priceless, cause you don't know when you lose it. I've lost not only the moment but also my father and sister too. It never be the same again after you lost the person that is important to you. It feel different, like a piece of your heart has lost.

when I was a kid...

When I sit under a rambutan tree in my front yard, the memories of my childhood came to me,I really miss my childhood moment...It usually bring good memories and joys to me, I was never worried about anything, just enjoy the moment with family and friend. I was happy when its rainy because we can catch fish swimming in the drain that came from a pond, usually its catfish. From the heavy rain, a clear water puddles can be seen all around my home yard. I like to play it with my feet because it is cold and clear. The smell of wet earth, leaf was so be continue

Monday, February 28, 2011

Many sunshines...

Hopes and dreams, its always the same rite? I sometimes says to myself to take any problems and mistakes as a milestone or a positive challenge so I can take it easy. But what usually give strength is prayers. I found that when people gets stress or feel hopeless they tend to find god for help. It happen to all people around the world, no matter what races or religion you are. That is in my opinion is our nature as a human being and prove of the  existence of god and the universe. You've found out that god does not far from you, Allah is always with you when you really needs help.
I hopes for many sunshines and splendid days to everyone, may god bless you all. Maybe I sound so foolish to hopes for world peace and no more wars, but I think it is what everyone hopes for. Anyway if everyone hopes for world peace but then why there is still wars and murders still exist? Why aren't we stop the fight and start to understand each other?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Amazing construction

Last two days I've went to Project Management Seminar and I found it very interesting besides can enjoy good food. Mr Frankie had gave a priceless information about project management construction (never doubt about it). He had share some information about a successful project in construction in China. Amazingly a 15 storey Ark Hotel can finish construction in just 6 days. They use IBS material (manufactured in the factory) where they just assembled all the material altogether, just like a lego...
I attached a video to share:

Monday, February 21, 2011

Dream High ( Korean Drama )


TV Show: Dream High
Revised romanization: Deurim Hai
Hangul: 드림하이
Director: Lee Eung-Bok
Writer: Park Hye-Ryun
Network: KBS2
Episodes: 16
Release Date: January 3 - February 28, 2011
Runtime: Mon. & Tues. 21:55
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea

"Dream High" takes place at Kirin High School of Art and follows the lives of students as they aspire to become superstars.
Song Sam-Dong (Kim Soo-Hyun) lives in the country side and dreams of becoming an owner of a stock farm. He falls in love with Ko Hye-Mi (Bae Suji) at first sight and follows her to Kirin High School of Art. There he discovers his genius like musical talent.
Jin-Gook (TaecYeon) is a gifted dancer, but a troubled student at school. The director of Kirin High School of Art ((Bae Yong-Jun)) recommends to Jin-Gook to enroll at his school. There, Jin-Gook's talents blossom and he now dreams of becoming a global star.
Exchange student Jason (Wooyoung) comes to Kirin High after receiving the top score for new applicants. He comes from abroad and shows outstanding skills as a dancer.
Ko Hye-Mi (Bae Suji) is the most popular girl at Kirin High. She carries herself as a confident girl, but inside hides a sad past. She dreamed of becoming a world renown classical vocalist, but after the collapse of her family she had no choice but to enter Kirin High School of Art. She is loved by Song Sam-Dong and Jin-Gook.
Yoon Becky (Eun Jung) looks up to Ko Hye-Mi, who appears to have everything. They soon become rivals.
Eria (Yoon Young-Ah) is a popular teen star. She enters Kirin High School of Art and becomes the object of admiration by her peers. She looks forward to having a "regular" school life.

MizzPotter :

Love Kyo-Hye Mi caracter, her fringe make her ever cuter...I love one of the scene when their teacher Mr Kang Oh-Hyuk said to Kyo-Hye Mi ( Bae Suji ) to lighten her spirit when she ask him whether she is Neari or the main character it's goes quite like this...
"People who learn more from their mistakes and take longer time will eventually will succeed more than people who achive success in the beginning"...I found this as quite true and really lighten me up...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Chemical Romance SING lyrics

Sing it out
Boy you've got to see what tomorrow brings
Sing it out
Girl you've got to be what tomorrow needs
For every time that they want to count you out
Use your voice every single time you open up your mouth
Sing it for the boys, sing it for the girls
Every time that you lose it sing it for the world
Sing it from the heart
Sing it till you're nuts
Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts
Sing it for the deaf
Sing it for the blind
Sing about everyone that you left behind
Sing it for the world, sing it for the world
Sing it out
Boy they're gonna sell what tomorrow means
Sing it out
Girl they're gonna kill what tomorrow brings
You've got to, make a choice if the music drowns you out
Raise your voice every single time they try and shut your mouth
Sing it for the boys, sing it for the girls
Every time that you lose it sing it for the world
Sing it from the heart
Sing it till you're nuts
Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts
Sing it for the deaf
Sing it for the blind
Sing about everyone that you left behind
Sing it for the world, sing it for the world
Cleaned up, corporation progress
Dying in the process
Children that can talk about it
Living on the railways
People moving sideways
Sell it till your last days
Buy yourself the motivation
Generation nothing,
Nothing but a dead scene
Product of a white dream
I am not the singer that you wanted, but a dancer
I refuse to answer, talk about the past, sir
Wrote it for the ones that want to get away.
Keep running
Sing it for the boys, sing it for the girls
Every time that you lose it sing it for the world
Sing it from the heart
Sing it till you're not
Singing out for the ones that'll hate your guts
Sing it for the deaf
Sing it for the blind
Sing about everyone that you left behind
Sing it for the world, sing it for the world
You've got to see what tomorrow brings
Sing it for the world
Sing it for the world
Girl, you've got to be what tomorrow needs
Sing it for the world
Sing it for the world

More lyrics:

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Today, a woman become a bride....

Here, I attached some picture at Mrs.Zaleha wedding...she was gorgeous in purple (nice color)....
finally, she end her single life with a guy she choose, hopefully that she will be happy with her new life and husband, god bless you kak leha...hopes that i will find the right guy too, that accept me and love me as what i am.

will go for project management training

hopes that this year will bring me prosperity, a good job to be start with....i'm quite excited  to join PMC training next week...the idea for me to join anything that can give me knowledge and experience make me excited, althought it also give me quite a nerve...i'll take the responsibility and endure it what so everr...i want proof myself and make people proud of me...hopefully, i'll get the jobs i wanted

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hangout with old frend

After graduated this was truely a wonderful moment that I spend with my friend, we take photo shot around paddi field near my village...and it was a beatiful scenery with water stream and birds...;)